Sunday, 24 May 2015

Mail Week: 21 + Giveaway

Hey there again, this mail week was great :) I received 6 letters, 1 package and 3 postcards. LOVE!!!
Again, I've sent out a couple of "first-letters", which will be the last big stash for the moment being, I am hoping that people actually start replying xD

So here I go with the package first.
t's from Hiroko, Japan who has just moved from a small city to a big one and couldn't write for a while.

She has written me a 3 A5 sheets/ 3 pages long letter, and also added a pretty postcard :3 

 Then there are these awesome Manga she promised me, I haven't read those yet but I'll do soon.
BTW, in addition to my Book reviews, would you like Manga reviews as well??
Then she added loads of delicious candy.

 2 of her wonderful sketches
 And 18!!!! different anime posters. Great huh?

And as I can't hang all of these up my wall, I thought I'd start a Giveaway. To participate, please follow my blog and comment below! The winner will be announced during my blog post on 31st May (I'll message them too), and will receive 5 of these wonderful posters + some other surprises :D

I'll reply soon!!

Now to the wonderful postcards:

The first 2, I gave
Lily to send to me from Finland:

The 3rd one is from my mum, who will return from Italy today:)

 And here are the stamps used :) Sadly the pretty Moomin cancellation Lily used was ruined by the postman, who said I wasn't home at delivery time... I was though...
Must have been a substitute, my usual postman always comes at the same time and is a nice guy :)

And now the letters:

First, from Lily Finland, a 3 A5 sheets / 5 pages written, including 6 postcards to send back to her written and stamped. 

My reply to her was a 6 A5 sheets / 11 pages long letter, plus some prior written on postcards and a surprise mascara.

 And these are the stamps I used for the postcards she sent me this week.

Eva from Germany wrote me a 1 A5 sheet / 2 pages letter:
 My reply to her was the same length :)

The first reply from my new penpal Harriet, UK was a  1 A4 sheet / 1 page long letter :)

I added my reply on this awesome greeting card which is a little larger than A5 when opened, and I also added one filled and one empty version of my new penpal sheets I designed :)

Another first reply from a new penpal. 
This time from Marléen, UK.
1 A5 sheet / 2 pages long letter with loads of extra goodies >.<

My reply to her was written on this greeting card (same length / amount as above) and I also added one of my sketches, my penpal sheets and loads of stickers :)

The first letter from Rikke, Denmark - who sent me a 2 A5 sheet / 2 pages long letter, a feet cooling creme and loads of kawaii sheets as goodies :3

 My reply to her was a 3 A5 sheets / 3 pages long letter plus some candy I bought in Taiwan, a mini address book, a dream catcher and my penpal sheets.

The last letter this week was from Fee, UK.
1 A4 sheet / 1 page long letter with her business card.

 My reply to her is a 5 A5 sheet / 5 pages long letter + a postcard.

Honestly, check out her online store, she has loads of great accessories there, all hand made!
I my self will buy some of her goodies late May / early June and then review on my fashion blog (which by the way I'll update in a few hours!).

Thanks for reading and don't forget to join the GIVEAWAY by following and commenting below :3



  1. Hello!

    Aww I feel bad for not writing you back sooner. :( Too bad I have exams Tuesday. I'm following you on Bloglovin ^^ I look forward to read more about your mails and convention visits. Love @elleandroses on insta.

    1. Don't worry, exams are more important! Still I can't wait to receive you letter >.<

  2. Lots of wonderful mail! :)
    Don't worry about the stupid mailman ruining the special cancellation, I will send you other cards with the same cancellation if you want! :) Might as well send one to myself as it's SO cute! >3<

    I want to take part in the Giveaway~ I follow you practically everywhere and I'm easily contacted via Insta DM or :)

    1. okay... I hope I am not replying 3 times in a row, somehow my reply won't post xD BUT:

      You can send the cancellation again?? LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I was really mad at the mailman when I saw how it was ruined -.-

  3. Read attack on titan! Seriously one of my favorite mangas/the winning question that let me win trivia bar hopping a few weeks ago! Please enter me in the giveaway :)

    1. I'll do both, read the manga, and enter you :D

  4. My daughter Lily would love these items! She has loved everything Dangan Rompa for years and likes other anime too.

  5. That's a lot of postcards! Keep in mind that Attack on Titan is pretty gore-y (I hav no idea if that's even a word XP) Anyway, hope you enjoy reading them and pls enter me for the giveaway!

  6. Oh yeah, n I'm new to this website so.... How do I follow someone?

    1. It depends on which side you use. I personally use both blogger and bloglovin to follow blogs. On blogger you can go to your personal main site and under readinglist/ all blogs there is the button "Add" type paste the link in there, and done :D

      On bloglovin it's even easier, after you logged in, you can search for the blog (in the search bar) and when you found it, click on "follow" :D
      I hope this helped >.<

  7. I'd like to enter this giveaway, but there are no ways listed to follow.

    1. Well, I personally prefer when people follow with either blogger or bloglovin, but if you use a different site, just tell me :)

    2. What are your tags so I can follow :)

    3. Sorry if I am being stupid here >.< but I don't know what you mean as, like I said I use blogger, where I only need the url to follow, and bloglovin where I can find blogs by typing in the name of it in the search bar. I don't know / use a site where you need tags to follow. I am so sorry I am not helpful....

    4. I added a follower thingy for blogger, I hope this helps... otherwise, if you are using blogger just copy and paste the link in the "Add" box on the main page... I can't claim this blog on bloglovin... whyever so I can't help there..

    5. I'm officially following you on blogger now! Thanks for the help! I don't know the site too well yet!

    6. Okay, I am glad I was able to help at least a little :)

  8. Hi, I stumbled by your blog by a bit of fluke but stayed because your taste seems to run along the same line as my daughter's - she loves Attack on Titan and all things (mostly) anime. So I thought I'd enter for her and pass along your blog to her!



    1. Great to hear :) thankyou for forwarding my blog! you/your daughter are in for the giveaway.

  9. Wow, just found you and your blog, this is just wonderful. I was telling my kids about pen-pals and asking if they wanted to do this. I am having a wonderful time sharing this with them. Following you on bloglovin as (Joe Jo)

    1. Yeay, I am really happy you like my blog! And your kids should start penpalling! it's a wonderful thing and I experience so much through it!

  10. i would also like to enter . thanks

    1. Congrats, you won the giveaway, to see what you actually won, you can look at my new blogpost :D Also please give me a way to contact you as soon as possible, so that I can mail out your goodies :)

    2. Hey, I announced you as the giveaway winner on Sunday. Please give me a way to contact you!! I'll be away until Saturday evening, If I don't see a reply from you until then, I'll have to announce a new winner on Sunday. I am sorry, but I thinking giving one week for a reaction is fine. Thankyou :) And I still hope to hear from you soon!

  11. Awesome! You have a cool blog and alot of good things! Are you going to see the Live Action version of "Attack on Titan" when it comes out?

  12. I would love to win this for my brother! He loves anime!

  13. Ahww its past time your time!

    1. It wouldn't have been, if you had followed the blog somewhere where I could see it, but now I'll pick the winner out of the hat in a few minutes, sorry :(

  14. I thought the comment was for someone else lol sorry!
    Jessica Sudduth
    112B Lackey Rd
    Castalian springs, TN 37031

    1. No, you are missunderstanding, the winner is v a, as announced on mail mail week 22 post and under his / her comment... sorry...
