Saturday, 14 February 2015

Book review 8: City of Heavenly Fire, Cassandra Clare

City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6) by Cassandra Clare
Things to know:

  • I read the original English version
  • It was published May 2014
  • It has 725 pages
  • It is set in New York 2007 / 2008 (shortly after book 5)
  • I started: 10th February 2015 and ended it: 11th Feb

Nearly everything is fine between Clary and Jace now, the only put downs are that Sebastian is still out there somewhere and because of the heavenly fire inside of Jace, the two of them can't really touch each other. Okay, maybe nothing is really fine...
Alec is still trying to talk to Magnus, hoping that they'll be together again and Simon and Isabelle really have to DTR (determine the relationship)!
Sebastian is starting to attack institutes, turning the shadowhunters into endarkened, thus the Clave decides that all the shadowhunters should assemble in Idris to be save and make further decisions. Whilst everyone is in Idris, Maia and Jordan are trying to help with the problems Maureen is causing. But everything is (and everyone are) going to hell...

First of all; I really LOVED this book, the best book out of the series (maybe together with book 1, I can't really decide). The action starts right at the beginning, and we finally find out who Magnus' father is (though personally I already had an idea). I was surprised by the ending, I really like how it ended, not some "and they lived happily ever after" ending, a bit more... "realistic". Though, halfway through the book I had the feeling, that CoHF is a commercial for the new shadowhunter series which is going to be published this year. 
I didn't like the epilogue at all (just like with "The Infernal Devices"), I would have wished for something else... But then again, I think this was made so that "The Dark Artifacts" series will be bought by readers. 

I can't tell you much more, because I really don't want to spoil anything here, but if you are deciding, if to carry on reading is a good idea after book 5: YES it is!! finish the series, this book really was great!!


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