Thursday 24 July 2014

I can't wait for Saturday!

After a month of hell were I was always either at work, at uni or writing some exam, finally today is my first free day. And soon all the stress will be paid off because on Saturday I'll fly to Helsinki with my mum for one week, and the best part is, I'll meet my closest penpal Lily there. She will show us around for 4 days. Sunday will be a day just for the 2 of us, she promised to get some bubble tea with me, go to the Ateneum, show me the best stores for books + postcards and then go see the Linnanmaki Themepark. I can't wait! On Monday we'll go around Helsinki with my mum, Tuesday to Porvoo, where we will also meet her father, and on Wednesday she'll go to Tallinn, Estonia with us. The rest of the days it will be just my mum and me. But I really can't wait to Lily, we have so much in common, and I bet we will be great friends!
I am nearly done with my preparations, I coloured the blond bits of my hair in a dark pink / light purple,
packed my back to 90% (not to forget my Rilakkuma Chekki Polaroid Camera) and am now waiting for Saturday to come. At least I'll have to leave my place early in the morning, thus I won't sit around waiting on Saturday as well.

I'll take a lot of pictures when I am in Helsinki/Provoo/Tallinn - I just love to stalk cities - and with a native speaker, travelling becomes a whole new experience.


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